Thursday, September 11, 2008

Rufener Hilltop Farms

Join the Deaf Advisory Committee and CSD for our 3rd annual Fall Festival
get together!

WHERE: Rufener Hilltop Farms
1022 State Route 43
Suffield, Ohio 44260

WHEN: Meet on Saturday at 11am, October 11, 2008

COST: $5 per person

: Maize, Pony Rides, Petting Zoo, P
umpkin Playhouse, Jumping House, Face Paintitng, Hayride, and much more!

DAC will provide Hotdogs, Chips & Cider!

Bring your friends and Family!

RAFFLE 50/50

Contact DAC if you have any further questions

1 comment:

Sunnymommie said...

We will be there...Sound so fun!!!