Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Akron's Carousel Dinner Theatre presents....

The Wizard of Oz!

A member of our deaf community has made arrangements for an interpreted performance on Saturday, October 4th at 6pm.
Get your tickets now!
They're selling fast!


Sunnymommie said...

That's awesome!!! But I try to find price for my Kids.. they are 3 years old and 1 year old. Can you help me to find and thank you!

Contact Information said...

Contact the Carousel for more information:

For reservations or questions on Seating and Ticket availability,
contact the Carousel Box Office:

(330) 724-9855 or (800) 362-4100

Carousel Dinner Theatre is located at 1275 E. Waterloo Road, Akron, OH 44306.